Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ok I need something to do while my pictures download!!

Feel free to skip this!!

In your entire life, have you ever...
gone on a blind date?Yes
skipped school? Yes
watched someone die? Yes
been to Canada? No
been to Mexico? No
been to Florida? No
been on a plane? No
been lost? Yes
been on the opposite side of the country? No
gone to Washington, DC?No
swam in the ocean? Yes
had your booze taken away by the cops? Nope!
lettered in a high school sport? HA HA HA HA
cried yourself to sleep? Yes.
played cops and robbers? Of course...I grew up with boy neighbors!
played dolls? Yep
recently colored with crayons? Yes I love to color!
sang Karaoke? No not really
paid for a meal with coins only? Yes I do it all the time!!
done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Oh yeah!
cheated on an exam? Nope. Well I was required to read the old testament for a class and I read and listened to it at the same time so.... I'll let you decide!
made prank phone calls? Yes! Even called and asked Is your refrigerator running? :)
laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Yes, It was milk gross!
caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes
danced in the rain? Yes.
written a letter to Santa Claus? Yes (even got one back)
been kissed under the mistletoe? Yes!
watched the sunrise with someone you care about? Yes
been arrested? No.
blown bubbles? Yep
gone ice-skating. Yes
had a nickname? Yes the only one I recall is Bobbin!
been to Africa? Nope
eaten cookies for dinner? Of course! may even do it tonight!
been on TV? No, but my husband has
stolen any traffic signs? No, but I really wanted to
been in a car accident? Yes.
What is your....
mother's name?Fannie
favorite drink?Coke (in a can)
birthplace? Alabama
favorite vacation spot? I just like to go!
favorite salad dressing? depends on the mood
favorite pie? Buttermilk
favorite number? 7
favorite movie? Princess Bride
favorite holiday? Christmas
favorite food? too many
favorite day of the week? Saturday if Brad doesn't work
favorite brand of body wash? Ivory
favorite toothpaste? Aqua Fresh Extreme Clean
favorite smell? Honeysuckle
Do you have any...tattoos? Yes
body piercings? Ears ..but I would pierce my nose but Brad thinks it is gross!
Do you drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? a pickup and a van
What do you do to relax? Scrapbook, read or watch a movie
How do you see yourself in 10 years? Oh good grief I will be 45!!
Wanna Play?


Unknown said...

We are having a hard time trying to figure out how to comment on the blog other than leaving a comment. Are we supposed to be answering the questions?

Let us know. I could have really gotten into the husband one!!!



Brad and Robin said...

Hey Cynthia!!
All you can do here is leave a comment, but you can do one of two things! Cut
and paste and answer the questions inside my comments, or click on create blog in upper right hand corner and create a blog. It is easy. Then you can create your own posts or cut and paste from mine into yours. I really wanted you guys to be able to see what we are up to!! If you want to call me I can walk you through it!
Love and miss you