We have finished up another year of school!! The kids have done great this year. I am really proud of all their hard work. We were even able to finish up on time with a extra long break through the holidays, while I was caring for my dad. It is now time to plan next year. We are planning to move toward a more year round schedule this year. We like to take some extra time off during December and it seems to work well to school for six weeks and take two off. I have quite a bit planned so far. I still have some decisions to make but, I am waiting for the CSTHEA convention and the Rainbow Resource Catalog. This is what I have so far:
1st grade
3rd grade
7th and 8th grade
- My Fathers World Kindergarten
- Handwriting without Tears
- Reading Made Easy
- Five in a Row
- Singapore Math
1st grade
- My Fathers World First Grade
- Handwriting without Tears
- Finish Reading Made Easy
- Copywork
- Five in a Row
- Singapore Math
- Explode the Code
3rd grade
- Adventures in My Fathers World
- Singapore Math
- Finish First Language Lessons then Rod and Staff Grammar
- Spelling Power
- Copywork
- Five in a Row
- Calvary Chapel Bible Pages
- Apologia Science
- Galloping the Globe
7th and 8th grade
- Still deciding on Bible
- Teaching Textbooks pre-algebra and Math 7
- Write shop
- Rod and Staff Grammar
- Spelling Power
- Roots and Fruits
- Lightning Literature 8 and 7 from Hewitt
- Dictation
- Mystery of History Finish Vol 1 start Vol 2
- Around the world in 180 days
- Exploring Creation with General Science
- The Fallacy detective
This is core. We will be adding electives at different times.

- Music Recorder with Dad and Guitar for Logan ?Emma
- Art -probably an outside class
- Nature Study and Notebooks using The handbook of Nature Study
- PE - Different sports Football for Ian and Soccer for Riley
- Typing ?not sure what to use
- Foreign Language : Spanish using Rosetta Stone and Sign Language using flash cards and Signing Time videos
- Nutrition and Cooking Class
We have been very happy with My Father's World and glad to continue with it this year. Five in a Row is always at the top of the list. The biggest changes we will make this year are math and literature. After many years of trying to stick with Saxon we are moving on. Everyone is excited about Teaching Textbooks!! (well I am not so excited about the price!!) Logan and Emma are also very excited about Lightning Literature. I am very glad they were so open...they both have very specific reading tastes and I was worried they would resist the structure.

Hey! I am SO jealous that you are so organized! Can I just drop Justin off at your house every day? :>)
Sure, drop him off and pick up my laundry!!!! ;)
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