Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Game of Tag...All About My Man

1. Who is your man? Bradley (the rest of you can call him Brad)

2. How long have you been together? married almost 15 years

3. How long dated? 1 year exactly

4. How old is your man? 37 (glad he was born in a zero year so I can always remember!)

5. Who eats more? depends on the day

6. Who said "I love you" first? He did.

7. Who is taller? He is!

8. Who sings better? oh, easy him!! He is awsome, I make a joyful NOISE!!

9. Who is smarter? He is...he knows everything!! He can do anything.

10. Whose temper is worse? Ok, me but...well ok me!

11. Who does the laundry? me

12. Who takes out the garbage? Logan!!

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?Depends on which way you are looking at the bed!!

14. Who pays the bills? I am the nerd :)

15. Who is better with the computer? He is (this is becoming not so fun anymore)

16. Who mows the lawn? Everyone does a piece (well not me or the littles) but He is set to retire next year

17. Who cooks dinner? me..maybe I could retire next year too!!

18. Who drives when you are together? He does....(only a really long trip I might drive for about an hour)

19. Who pays when you go out? whoever remembered to bring money in!!

20. Who is most stubborn? Me

21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? He is (man I am not having fun anymore!) But I have learned ....did I mention I was stubborn

22. Whose parents do you see the most? I see my dad most every day (his family is all in NC)

23. Who kissed who first? He did. .

24. Who asked who out? Um. Well. he did but...i did make it easy for him :)

25. Who proposed? He did...

26. Who is more sensitive? oh gee, I win again.

27. Who has more friends? we have the same friends.

28. Who has more siblings? He does (well if you find and count up all the kids my dad had before he married my mom. I would win..but I am really an only child)

29. Who wears the pants in the family? He does!